The inventor of the AIRTRAQ in and the Totaltrack Video laryngeal Mask.
In 2018 he invented the VISION MASK and the first protection hand shield to be used in videoscopes or bronchoscopes to protect from cross contamination or accidental biopsy needle puncture.
See Biography

Emergency Doctor, specialised in airway management
Dr. Pedro Acha Gandarias is the inventor of the AIRTRAQ in the year 2000. The Airtraq was the first Videolaryngoscope developed for airway management intubation and was the creator of the huge actual market business of videolaryngoscopes. An actual business of millions of dollars.
After the AIRTRAQ invention more than 75 devices have been developed in this huge market .
Dr. Pedro Acha Gandarias is also inventor of the Totaltrack Video laryngeal Mask in the year 2011, which was first device that allowed to ventilate the patient while you intubate.
In the year 2018 he invented the VISION MASK, the first Supraglottic device with an integrated vision system and the capacity of intubation and making CPAP in the cuff of the laryngeal mask. This VISION MASK LMA will create an even bigger new business market in supraglottic devices with vision.
Also in year 2018 Dr. Pedro Acha Gandarias invented the first protection hand shield to be used in videoscopes or bronchoscopes to protect the doctor from cross contamination or accidental biopsy needle puncture.
Dr. Pedro Acha Gandarias has been speaker in the mayor anaesthesia congresses around the world: SAM-USA, DAS-UK, ESA-Europe, China, Hong Kong, and most of the European and Latin-American countries. And he has been involved in dozens of journal publications.
This made him one of the most known inventors and designers in airway management with highest credibility.
He is now dedicated with Visual Oxy company and their engineering team to develop new devices and patents for hospital usage.